Hello, My Significant Other (Vals Special Edition)

Hello, My Significant Other, no doubt we are two sexually active people. No doubt, we love God& in respect of him have decided not to be ‘lovi dovi’ till we’re married. However, in recent times…okay, so if ever try to start anything funny because of a certain love day, do not hesitate to remind me of our commitment and I will gladly listen. Better still, If I sneakily try to move my hand around your thighs, do not even think of it…slap me!… it would bring me to my senses neutralizing the burning passion. For so should our lives be till…


Hello, My significant other, PLEASE do not pull the stunt you pulled last year. I DO NOT LIKE IT! I don’t want to wash this linen which is dirty in public. If we will go out, FINE. If not, COOL. My Love is not a Vals day Love. The most important thing is that I still Love you the same. Get that! From Your Significant Other. Signed, Sealed &Delivered to You!


Hello, My Significant Other, how about we do something different after all these years of marriage? …….RESPONSE: Are you sure you are Okayyy?


Hello,My Significant Other, 6 years of marriage and as we do every year not wanting it to run stale, it is my turn this time. I choose to take you to the place where we first met and relive the moments…I’ll show you how I was afraid to approach you, knelt down there praying for ‘capa’.. i had been struggling of the Love ‘POP’ Syndrome &then…


 Hello, My Future Siginificant Other out there,  I ‘adjective’ it because obviously I am single now. I really want you to know that I don’t like it, I don’t believe in it and so i don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Just so you know even before you come in or as I find you… Ooh, and let me add this for it rather sounds so mean ee?…And that is because I will love you everyday.


[11/2…7.05pm] Hello, My Significant Other, …

  [13/2 8:30pm]Helloooo, My Significant Other, what are we doinggg?…

[13/2..9:01] Oooh, I meannn… What are we doing this Vals Day?… I know you are still thinking about it. As you do, please factor these  places and things into account. Erhmmm….

RESPONSE: [13/2 11:59] Hello,My Significant Other, WE ARE DOING NOTHING!…AND THAT IS FINAL!


 Hello, My Significant Other, I don’t like the irrelevant quarrels and petty fights you intentionally pick with me when such days draw nigh. Is it because of our usual sweet outing that is why?… Chill, because this time I, will be taking you out and ensure I give you the best romantic treat ever. It isn’t ending this time, because henceforth, I will not lay it on you, for you to continue to ‘bluff’ and do ‘ayis3m’. I will be integral in all aspects of our spending to make our love life leading to marriage the best.


Hello, My Significant Other, why are you like this?… ever since we got married, all the romanticism have vanished into thin air.. Not even when I give you all the signs. I am not asking you to take me on those expensive outings, neither to engage in those big spending. I know the children’s fees are staring and recently things have been tough…. But did it mean we have to lose it all?… This is not just because of  Vals Day, I am only using this day to remind you to let us to keep the spark in the relationship every time…Bring your mind here because you and that  quality time is all I crave.


Hello, My Significant Other, ooh sorry…hold on.. something happened here…there was a division… Let’s..A break Up….

RESPONSE: Are you trying  to find a way to say we should  Break UP?

 Hello my Significant Other, I don’t like the social media love celebration you do all the time. Is that all you can do?. .. The annoying part are those 18th Century ‘copy copy’ love messages you wait to send me every 14th Feb at 10pm…10pm oo… Those such as this really freaks me out….’I love you like harmattan pawpaw’…. Really?… Can you be real for once… Be real oo otherwise…


Hello My Significant Other, I don’t like the way you overly draw attention to yourself, flirting around with almost everybody anytime we go out. Sometimes you seem to forget I’m there, that you came with me, your significant other…what’s that?  It makes me recount, that of my friend, things such as this and he lost her boo to another friend. I’m not prepared to lose your beautiful self, for my heart is already inside oo. In short, it is why we don’t go out these.. No, I mean we are not going out this time.

RESPONSE:. Really?… all because of your insecurities???

Hello, My Significant Other, thank you for all these years with your surprises everyday. Right from dating to marriage, you keep making it fun and less burdensome all the time especially in those tough times. It has been an enormous pleasure and beauty knowing you. I couldn’t have known any other person this special way.[Well, God comes to mind] Anyways, I don’t know what you have up your sleeves this time but I think I have had enough…or have I?…because I can’t seem to have enough of this.

 Hello, My Significant Other, and so you expect me to bury all our trust issues and go and have some fake  fun with you because a certain love day has popped up once again. Then what?… We come back to our problems and fight till Mr. February Love resurfaces. I am definitely not doing this with you. If for nothing at all, we can use this to solve our issues and know whether we are pursuing THIS OR NOT.

Hello My Significant Other, I love you!…That is all I want to say.

 Hello, My Significant Other, will you first say I DO to me here?

 Hello, My Significant Other, On this day, I ask so where is our relationship heading?

 Hello, My Significant Other, 30years into this beautiful union  and I just want to say I still Adore you. I await our usual special deal today.


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