PREDATORS(A Rythymic Relationship Piece by Philip Selorm Logoh)

You all act like PREDATORS, when you see them chicks who sell themselves,

Street Hawkers And so you hawk them, )k)de3(eagle)…but your preachers you call kolo(pre-daters)


Yet in the church you are the alien because you go aside the rules to pre-date. Even before your time, ‘wo pre s3 wob3 dati’ (Rush to date)

And so you predate on the ladies and neglect your deity.


Som of you have been in and out of dates,you have more dates than a calendar..

..but then this is not meant to be a showdown between you the aliens and the pre-daters like ALIEN vs PREDATORS


So you know i’m on point wen i say, repent before the rest of your life is SPENT OUT!..WASTED!!…GRAND THEFT!!!

Don’t turn to the right or left but straight ahead should your goal be because Jesus is all you need. Indeed this is deep.

Just take a peep into my soul…Drink of it! have a sip! Swim in it!

Take a dip and see how deep Christ is rooted!

Guess it’s time to put on ur routers and catch, Jesus,wi-fi and become his bride,wifey.


Don’t abuse and miss the use of church
Don’t misuse and repeatedly refuse the word like it were a pile of refuse
Don’t miss an opportunity to see God just to fornicate
Don’t refuse Christ and miss the only gate.

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